Michael Schrenk
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Development Decisions:
Mobile Web or Mobile Application?

In the rush to satisfy mobile users, many developers are pressured into developing Mobile Apps. While Mobile Apps serve a purpose, it's best to define that purpose--and know the alternatives, before development starts.

Make Your Website Mobile Friendly

Quick Definitions
Mobile App Software developed for specific mobile platforms.
Mobile Web A website, optimized for mobile devices.
Regardless of your final Mobile App strategy, your website should be usable by mobile users, even if it is not fully optimized (see previous blog on Responsive Design). At the very least the following guidelines should be observed:
  1. Keep the viewing area within capabilities of mobile devices.
  2. Avoid controls that don't work well on touch screens, like:
    • sliders,
    • image roll-overs, or
    • any type of “drag and drop”.
  3. Optimize the website for quick page downloads

Mobile Apps Should Offer Something Different

Generally, Mobile Web is more convenient to users than Mobile Apps because Mobile Web does not force people to download anything. If you're going to require that people download an App to access your content, then the App needs to do something specifically better than what could be delivered by a Web App.

Otherwise, you're actually penalizing mobile users by making them download the Mobile App instead of taking them directly to a your content.

Legitimate Reasons For Developing Apps (in descending order)

While Mobile Apps require more work, they also offer specific benefits to both the developer and the user.

The Best Apps Use Device Features

The best reason to develop an App is to take advantage of the specific features of the mobile device. For example, your decision to develop an App will be most gratifying if it does with one of the following:
  1. Uses the GPS
  2. Makes calls
  3. Takes pictures
  4. Records audio
  5. Finds directions with the compass

As A Billing Method

While there are many ways to bill customers for content or services, the App Store is a very convenient billing method. Just remember that the App store will want a commission.

You Want The Exposure Of The App Store

The last--and my least favorite, reason for developing a Mobile App is to get the exposure available on the App Store. There is no doubt that there is an advantage to this, but this marketing value needs to be weighed against the development costs.

Legitimate Reasons For Not Developing Apps

In addition to the inconvenience to users, there are other reasons that weigh against Mobile App development.

Added Complexity in Distribution And Updates

The software distribution method is more complicated than web delivery, where any change is immediately registered the next time someone views your Mobile Website.

Higher Costs

When you decide to develop a Mobile App, you are actually committing yourself to several software development projects because you'll want an App for:
  1. iPhone
  2. Android, and possibly
  3. Windows Phone, and maybe
  4. Blackberry
Additionally, apps developed for phones are not always suitable for tablets, so you may need additional development for:
  1. iPad
  2. Android Tablets


While there are many compelling reasons for developing Mobile Applications, they need to be developed in consideration of:
  1. An actual cost/benefit analysis, and
  2. Mobile Web alternatives.

--Michael Schrenk
August 25, 2013
Las Vegas Nevada

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Funny! I just tried to book a flight on my iPhone using the Delta App and it told me I didn't have enough memory. I tried the delta mobile website and it worked fine.
Anonymous ,    Aug 30, 2013 08:17PM
Why is it so hard to get Apps into iTunes? Just saying.
Ralph R. ,    Aug 29, 2013 02:00PM
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